Store Executive
HDH. Atoll
jobs / Sales
Posted 10 months ago
Store Executive
- Responsible for all the warehouse operations including Inventory Management, Delivery Management.
- Lead stock planning by coordinating with sales team and plant and ensuring 100% stock availability at warehouse.
- Ensuring data accuracy and maintenance as per the SOP of the warehouse.
- Need to submit reports as per the SOP and ensure 100% implementation of audit norms.
- Manage deliveries by compiling all the sales orders and ensuring 100% delivery as er SOP.
- Responsible for managing the frontline delivery team.
- Responsible for operational excellence at warehouse through implementation of standard operating procedure in stock management, fleet management, delivery management along with sales coordination
- Role reports RTM Manager
Negotiable based on experience and qualification
Submission Deadline
25th April 2024, 12:00pm
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