
Full Stack Developer

Malé / K. Atoll

jobs / IT Hardware Technician

Posted 6 months ago

We are looking for an individual to join our development team on a full-􀆟me basis. The ideal candidate should have full stack expertise, from backend to front-end and knowledge on mobile app development.
Job Description 
In Villa, you get to work on different projects from various fields. Such as, retail, logistics, aviation, transportation, education, banking and finance and administration. These are the business domains where Devs of Villa work.

Duties and Responsibilities 
- Development using core technologies as outlined in the requirements sec􀆟on. 
- Working with users in analysing business processes and conduct related research. 
- Keeping up to date on new technologies and trends in the technology sector. 
- Maintain and upgrade existing so􀅌ware systems continually to ensure they are relevant and up to date with current technologies. 

Minimum Requirements 
Knowledge and experience in using the following technologies: 
- PHP 
- SQL 
- HTML, CSS and JavaScript 
- Git 

Desired Skills and Experience 
- Experience in using Laravel framework for PHP development 
- Cross platform (iOS and Android) mobile development in Flutter 
- Experience in using frontend frameworks such as Vue JS, React 
- Experience developing in Python 
- Experience in NodeJS development 
- Experience in integrating ERP systems 
- Simple devops experience (eg: provisioning a server on cloud and hosting an app) 


MVR 25,000 to 30,000/-

Submission Deadline

15th February 2024, 12:00pm

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